My first days in Oman are tinted with magic and great fascination. The landscape is mind blowing, and the smile of its people unique.
Omani are very proud of their country that they seem so happy and honoured to see foreigners. They do their best to make you feel at ease and/or at home, and happy. Their great heart is absolutely precious.
I have never experienced so much generosity in my entire life.
I was driving through the stunning mountains when I crossed path with this man in a golden dress 3 times.
The last time, I stopped a few meters away, busy looking at the route I would have to drive the next hours.
A Land Cruiser parked next to Rafiki when I heard ‘As-salamu alaykum!’. I turned my head and saw the man in gold!
I replied and we tried to start a very basic conversation, though he doesn’t speak any English.
I could understand that he wanted to show me something at his place and that I would have to follow him.
15 minutes later (in the opposite direction of where I was supposed to keep driving), we arrived at a cute house in white freshly built.
‘This is my house and my name is Shihab’ -from what I could understand.
I got out from Rafiki and followed Shihab to his garden overlooking the mountains.
‘This is Somout, my horse’. I walked straight to it and magic happened. I never felt this way with an animal. Something happened between Somout and me, I promise you.
The way it was looking at me, its behaviour, everything was so pure and full of kindness. I couldn’t stop cuddling Somout and talking to it.
‘My horse loves you’ -well, this is what I think I understood. I hope so, because I got attached to Somout in seconds.
I spent 2 hours with Shihab and Somout. I could even ride the special horse around. But the sun started to retire and it was already time to leave them.
Shihab gave me some honey his bees are busy making and I was gone.
I love my first encounter, I will never forget it.
