Have you ever had the sensation that you have met friends you didn’t know before? If yes, it’s exactly how I felt when I met up again with Matt & Lucie in Botswana.
We are on the same page about most things relating to this adventure across Africa. We’re looking for the same sensations, craving for freedom, basic overland lifestyle, adrenaline, challenges, and satisfaction. We share our stories and personal thoughts every night, around a campfire when it’s doable.

Traveling with them is natural, epic, and very easy…especially if you enjoy off-roading and wild camping.

I was lucky enough to have cross path with the Brits again when I was freshly recovering from malaria and about to cross the border with Namibia. And our exploration across Namibia has been…unreal (despite my 3 bad incidents I will never ever forget).
The stories I’m sharing these days and the ones which follow, are going to be epic! I hope you’re ready. Because we had A BLAST.

IN REAL TIME: A week ago, I have met one of my heroes here in Cape Town… I’d say he’s the biggest explorers and adventurers of modern times. This situation was so unreal and I can’t wait to share photos and videos with you. Can you guess who I met?
One clue: he was born in South Africa… Good night!
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