This post is definitely not the most joyful I have written so far, but a need to express.
Prejudices, comparisons, judgments, clichés, arrogance, humiliation, intolerance, racism…are still the symptoms of a world tinted with sadness and an immense lack of love.
And these behaviours are literally aggravated on Internet and social media. The way hate is easily shared and spread on the red is horrific. I’m confused how a cold and anonymous screen can empower ignorance.
How much sadness -along with loneliness and incomprehension- can lead to envy, jealousy, and evil.
It breaks my heart every time I connect to the Internet and get to read how people treat each other, how people dare to judge each other, to compete with each other, to manipulate each other, and to threaten each other.
The tone of hate which feeds the red is an atrocity, and I’m very worried for the young generation trying to grow up into an Ego-orientated fake world filled with disgrace.
How can we still tolerate awful stereotypes? When will we be able to move on and to reckon that we do not love the right way, that we probably do not educate the best way either, and that we are too lazy to fight for great values and tolerance?
Will hate be stronger than love, always? And will racism always beat unity?
I can’t believe our Planet still hosts poverty, wars, genocides, rapes, harassment, borders, racism, misogyny, individualism, rivalry, supremacists, and colonialism.
When will we understand the power of our different cultures? When will we accept each other simply the way we are? Will tolerance be taught finally? Will our ego start to diminish? Will love be experienced in its purest form? Will we be honestly happy and proud of one another and support each other one day? Will we finally look to the same direction with a different blood?
Will our world be saved by a common desire of a better world?
Will we be all free once for all?
‘A map of the world that does not include Utopia is not worth even glancing at’.