The solo expedition is a dream coming true, that’s for sure. But it’s also a big challenge in many ways. I have the sensation that I learn things quicker than in my sedentary life in Europe. Living on the road, solo, and across Africa, teaches so much. Everything is intensely more raw, clear, and true. There is no time to pretend. There is not many options. Plus, I use my gut so much that I can almost feel things / people / situations in advance.
Today, if there is one thing I learned from the beginning is: do not listen to people too much. Human beings tend to share and spread negativity / doubts / challenges / danger faster than a trip to Mars.
Why? Because we, humans, tend to focus much more on dark elements than on all this dazzling light around us. It’s the way we are.
If I would have listened to 99% of the people who knew about my plan to drive in Africa solo, I would have never realized my dream. Never.
And again, along the adventure, I keep hearing things like ‘don’t do it’, ‘don’t go there alone’, ‘you need another car with you’, ‘Rafiki is under equipped’, ‘you can’t drive through Africa without a winch’, ‘you will be stuck’, or the famous ‘you need a man’.
Listen to me: YOU can be whoever who want to be and become. People will always try to discourage you because they project their own fears onto your desires. And it’s fine! But please, do not be scared. If your heart beats for something, don’t think twice, don’t look for excuses, don’t waste more time and GO.
NOTHING in life is only about luck but COURAGE and PASSION.
Be proud of who you are, of your qualities and of what they call your ‘faults’, be proud of your dreams and -crazy- projects, and finally make them happen.
You will ALWAYS have people trying to put you down. Make it a strength and never look back. NO TIME for this.
These photos have been taken during my crossing through Chobe National Park, the night before heading to Savuti. Glad I made it!!!
