It’s been months I’m on the road, months I seek, see, watch, observe, interact, and try to understand…life. But life’s not that easy to get actually. I feel that life doesn’t really want to be understood anyway, and that it’ll be impossible to crack the riddle.
I always thought traveling would ease this understanding process and that the more I will travel, the more things, family, history, relationships, cultures, religions, politics will appear clearer to me. But it’s not the case. My mind is even more blurry today.
Each day of this expedition leaves me with even more questions, so many more equations to solve, tones of concepts I still do not get, plenty of different behaviours which are a complete mystery to me.
Complexity, contradictions, nonsense, misunderstanding.
Why I just can’t observe the sun flirting with the lake, this warm orange colour getting cold and turning blue? Why I just can’t watch the kids dancing on the wooden boats with these tiny waves coming my way? Why I just can’t let their laughs mesmerising my soul?
Because there is a reality behind. Because it’s not easy for me to just enjoy and pretend. Because I just can’t pretend. Because the world is not colourblind yet. Because of the past, because of the consequences, because of strategies, because of politics, because of history, because of fear, because of the unknown, because of blunders, because of the media, because of my skin colour, because of their skin colour, because of misunderstandings after misunderstandings.
Deep in my heart, I really hope that, one day soon, we’ll all be able to look at the sun flirting with the lake with some kids laughing in the background, and nothing else.
