Unbelievable but true.
My love for wildlife actually begun with dinosaurs. I was probably one of these kids completely mesmerised by the Jurassic Park movies who secretly wanted the dinos to be alive again.
That day, not far from where I was staying in Hlotse, by the Subeng river, I got the rare opportunity to see preserved dinosaur footprints.

History started in Lesotho about 200 million years ago, and evidence is demonstrated by the fossilised footprints that have been uncovered.
Thanks to the unbeatable passion of Petros -his Christian name- I could take a step into the Cretaceous period and get so many precious and accurate information.

In this specific area, they have been identified as dinosaur tracks in 1955 by a French missionary. There are 56 footprints and they come from at least 4 species of dinosaurs -and maybe more.
In many different sites throughout Lesotho, you can see tracks from: apatosaurus, archaeopteryx, theropods, lesothosaurus, and magatheropod (tracks recently discovered in 2017 of this 7-meter giant).
FYI, 4 days ago, 35 footprints have been discovered around Mokhosi (Lesotho) from theropods…
So exciting.
Petros comes from a very poor family from Leribe and his passion for the prehistoric giants touched me deeply. I wish the footprints will never be sold and sent oversea and that Lesotho can find a way to preserve them better. Could a responsible tourism play a role in the project? Let’s see.

PS: last but not least, please try not to touch the prints (even if outside and not protected at all…).
