And while I’m sharing the mind blowing landscape of one of the oldest canyons in the world, in real time though, the solo expe has stopped in Johannesburg for a week. Ladies and gentlemen, Rafiki is now upgraded and I can tell you that the change is…BIG! Not sure if you’ll recognise it!
Obviously, I’m not posting in real time, again, for obvious safety reasons, so we’ll have to be a little bit more patient before seeing the new look.
But I’m happy -very happy- with the modifications. It’s going to ease the nomad everyday life, my sleeps (especially!), and now it makes me wanna live with / in Rafiki forever.
I also want to enjoy this post to thanks all the beautiful souls around here who wanted to be part of the solo expedition. Your help is gold.
One of them: @gobyava_voyage , my international health insurance in France, which offered the best insurance cover (anywhere on the globe!) with a giant discount. You guys rock!
And thank YOU, behind your screen, sending me love, advice, entertainment, friendship, LOVE. Because this social media thing can be a trap, so fake, filled with bullshit, but also with real souls like you who make me wanna believe in humanity again.
THANK YOU. Charline (& Rafiki)