First of all, I was not ready to receive so much love and support. Wow. You really gave me so much strength to fight Mrs Malaria. Thank you from the bottom of my heart
I had the chance to identify Malaria at an early stage and to carry a rapid auto test + the Coartem 80/480 mg treatment with me.
My symptoms: not hungry, stomach pain, high fever, strong headaches, diarrhea, nausea, chills, muscles and skin pains, cries. Yep, I cried.
Treatment: Coartem, x2 pills per day during 3 days. Today was my last day with Coartem (last intake at 6pm).
Evolution: I started to feel better yesterday afternoon. I could sit for 4 hours and walk for 10 minutes! I had my very first meal yesterday for dinner and I could digest it with no problem. Today, it’s just insane: I could walk and sit with my friend @we.are.adventure.riders (thanks for the vitamin drinks guys!). I have no pain anymore: I feel the worst is behind me now. Tomorrow, I’m considering going on a self-drive safari and to cross a new border in a few days. Don’t worry, I listen to my body, as I did for Malaria.
Before coming to Africa, I had no idea about this treatment for Malaria. I only knew about that preventive medicine with chloroquine, that’s it. Please, if you ever consider visiting Africa, buy one test + one 6 pills treatment ppn. And pay attention to your body. Mrs Malaria is naughty. Mrs Malaria keeps killing people around the world, and especially in Africa.
The sooner it’s detected the faster and better you will recover. Trust me, I’m experiencing it.
Please, take care of yourself. Love. — These photos have been taken in Tanzania. I was taking everything out of the load bed, cleaning my backpacks and other stuff.

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