I’m on the road since 6.5 months now and I’ve never met one person traveling solo yet -wether in Europe, Turkey or here, in Southern Africa.
I know there are many solo travelers roaming the world in many ways but I haven’t seen / met one on the road yet.
Why am I talking about this tonight?
Because I think I need to exchange with someone living a solo adventure around here. I need to share and to discuss feelings, sensations, worries and excitement.
I’ve traveled with people and I still prefer to travel on my own despite many things. Yes, because traveling solo is extremely tiring. I do not sleep normally anymore (I’m always half asleep, survival instinct maybe), I’m the driver, the navigator, the planner, the photographer, the protector, the translater, the cook (LOL), the camper, the instagrammer and -I try to be- the video maker (let’s see), the moody one and the happy soul.
99.9% of the travelers -currently on the road- I’m in contact with are couples or families. Of course, I love to exchange with them but they have no idea of what I’m living since almost 7 months. Every single day. As a solo female overlanding. They have no idea how useful is to share tasks but how incredible and liberating is to explore alone.
So yes, I can’t wait to cross paths with solo travelers and to talk for days. I’m so curious about how they feel. Because I feel the happiest…
If you know any traveling in Zambia at the moment, please, kindly let me know.
