My all-time favourite animal is the lion; well, not exactly. If I have to be precise, I’d say lionesses.
I love their personality. Lionesses are not afraid of the challenges that life throws at them because they know they have the strength, instinct and fearlessness to survive and thrive.
Physical facts: A full-grown lioness typically weighs anywhere between 117 to 176kg and has a body length of about 1.5m.

Hunting fact: Regardless, females excel in hunting, which is one of their main tasks, and they’ll go after any animal they come across.
IMPORTANT FACT: Human expansion has caused lion prides to lose their natural habitat, making prides smaller and isolated.
This scourge also has led to human-lion conflict, since their natural prey significantly reduces in number, lionesses go on to hunt human livestock, which makes humans retaliate by killing them.
I could witness this in Uganda, around the Queen Elizabeth NP, where lions get regularly poisoned -through sick cows- by locals.
This part of Western Uganda is seeing its number of lions extinguishing today!!!
