I was literally overthinking everything the past month. I spent days and nights overthinking this adventure, my life, and even Rafiki.
I was fascinated by a very few badass bikers I met on the road (and I’m actually traveling with 4 bikers in real time since a few days). I was surprised to see me considering buying a bike sometimes in 2023 and to keep overlanding Africa a very different way. But I don’t have a license and this is to take into account and I was thinking of finding a solution while reaching SA.
But I’m not 100% sure yet because this would mean to get rid of…Rafiki. And I just cannot do that.
Also, this month of re-thinking the adventure even brought my mind to consider selling Rafiki either in Africa or in France. Because money is disappearing.
I tell you everything my mind was wondering recently and I love the way my thoughts change, evolve and mature (I think).
But don’t worry. I will not sell Rafiki and the adventure is going on. I just needed to share my past thoughts with you. I was feeling tired and drained and also influenced by others. That’s the way it is and I so feel determined to keep overlanding across Africa with my best friend.
And for now on, it’s going to be ‘pole pole’ -a Swahili word meaning ‘slowly’.
