I insist by saying ‘my’ and not ‘the’ because it’s a very personal opinion built on my own experiences.
I sometimes ask myself: ‘if I could go back in time, would I go for a 4x4 to tour Africa?’
And for many reasons, it’s a big YES, and more specifically for long term overland expeditions.
Before I give you the reasons, you need to know that I caught my thoughts on considering a motorbike or even a bicycle to keep overlanding Africa. To be honest, getting a motorbike hasn’t really left my mind yet, but to do so would imply selling Rafiki and that’s psychologically impossible, for now. And riding a bicycle would perfectly match my hyperactivity and this desire to connect in depth with Africa.
But I can do so much with Rafiki, that I couldn’t do with something else. For instance:
- SELF-DRIVE SAFARIS: 90% of parks and game reserves are forbidden for motorbikes and bicycles. Whereas it can be forbidden, way more expensive, or just too tight to enter with a camper truck. And self-drive safaris are my favourite thing in Africa.
- NATIONAL PARKS: some parks or specific areas are also forbidden to bikes (ie: the famous Skeleton Coast in Namibia) that can be frustrated not being able to experience…
- OFF-ROAD: I enjoy crossings and other challenging passes that it could be a pain with another vehicle. I traveled with (motor)bikers and I could see how much they struggled…
- LONG TERM OVERLANDING: let’s be honest, most people I know overlanding in Africa with other types of vehicles do not travel more than a year, or take a few months every now and then. Indeed, motorbikes and bicycles are extremely physical.
I’ve got a giant RESPECT and FOREVER ADMIRATION to bikers (motor and bicycle). You are true inspirations!
But for long term (more than a year in a row) overland adventures in Africa, I would definitely recommend a 4x4, a basic 4x4 (no need to go big rigs with gadgets).
