I have no idea where I’m going to sleep tonight; I can just pee anywhere; I can wear the exact same clothes every single day and for months*; I don’t have to look pretty; I don’t have to smell good; I don’t have to cook like a chef (and even if I want, I can’t); I can park anywhere and sleep (almost!); I have a different view and garden every morning; I don’t have to be social; I don’t have to seduce you; I can vanish into the world; And whisper in Nature’s ears; I can enjoy being on my own with no judgments; I don’t have to follow society standards; I don’t have to like you; I can break social rules; I do whatever I want, whenever I want, and wherever I want; I can disappear in the bush; And appear on a tar road; I can hide somewhere, and you will never know; I can be upset, and you will never guess; I’m deeply happy with this, and some will never understand; I can be impulsive, offended, sad, rude, joking, cold, stupid, ugly, beautiful, brutal, lonely, scared, crazy, shocked, shy, impolite, loved, hot, messy, happy, wild. I can stop for days; And I can drive for hours; I can stargaze and fall in love; And I can hate the wind of change; I can be a tomboy; And I can be sexy; I can be so imperfect; So that I can be me; I can run and I can scream; I can laugh with all my heart; I can be nothing and everything;
*as you can see on the last 15 pictures of me.
