It’s been 3 months already since I have driven back to France, the country where I was born.
This return back ‘home’ is a giant roller-coaster. Except, I’m experiencing way more downs than ups, but again, that’s okay. If feeling like a complete alien in a place that I used to grow up is the price to pay, I take it. I realised my dream so no complaints.
Luckily, I got a phone call 10 days ago, from the biggest 4x4 and travel show in France. They would like to have me on the event but not only. They asked me if I could realise a movie of 90 minutes long about the whole adventure across Africa and the Middle East. Wow. I’ve literally never done that before, obviously.
Challenge accepted.
The show is going to take place in the town of Valloire, here in France, from the 21st till the 25th of August. Yep: next week!
I’m about to finish editing the movie (I still need a few more days though) and it’s going to be released on Saturday the 24th of August at 11:30am. And the French name of the show is as follows: Le Salon du Tout-Terrain et du Voyage -and I’ll also be staying by stand number 104 with Acacia Aventure
I know, I’m a bit last minute to announce it but I’ve been busy stressing, editing and preparing myself to see many humans very soon. (The last one is getting on my nerves and I can’t control it, I am so stressed and shy atm).
Anyways. If you wanna give me a high five, pass by Valloire, and I’ll show you Rafiki!
Amis francais, je vous attends
