While I’m busy posting about Zimbabwe, I wanted to share my last photos of Kruger Park and…
…to dedicate this post to all South Africans I crossed path with during the solo expedition so far. In total, I entered the country 3 times (when I shipped Rafiki, when I got back from Namibia, and finally from Lesotho). And it looks like it’s going to be a 4th time.
Thank you for believing in this expedition since the very beginning, thank you for your great generosity, thank you for taking care of me, thank you for showing me around, thank you for making these experiences easier, safer, and unforgettable.
I crossed path with you through friends, in townships, on the road, at gas stations, in campings, at events, in the wild, parks, or on social media.
You all are from so many different cultures in just one country. But you always treated me the same way: with respect, care, and tolerance.
South Africa is definitely a challenging and controversial country. Everything’s far from easy, everything’s so confusing. So much misunderstanding, violence, sadness, and corruption. But so many amazing cultures, traditions, landscapes, activities, and beauty…
To me, you could be the most beautiful and fascinating country in the world. I might not be objective though, but I really mean it.
One day, I sincerely hope peace will happen and finally dress up South Africa with the most beautiful outfit of all: MAGNIFICENCE.
South Africa, you deserve to breathe and you deserve to be known for who you are, in your purest truth.
My dear San, Zulu, Xhosan, English, Sotho, Afrikaans, Himba, Tswana, Tsonga, Venda, Swazi, Nguni, Mursi, Pedi, Griqua, Batswana, Nama, Amazigh, Indians, Ndebele, Hlubi, and so many more: be proud of who you are, you are unique.
Thank you.

Thank you for your kind words, we have a long road ahead of us, politically speaking, but I'm grateful you had to experience our country first hand, thank you for sharing your experience with us, many happy travels and keep safe! Your SA. Friend Deon