I dedicate this post to every one of you who enjoy this adventure by being so supportive. Your kind words, without judgement, touch me deep inside. I talked to so many of you like friends who never met, it’s as weird as fascinating.
I couldn’t believe all the messages and similar opinions I received about that ‘Social Media Game’ post. I feel extremely relieved to see that we’re on the same page and I feel blessed to understand that you’re all looking for authenticity.
I do believe that changing our Self to please trends is definitely not the healthiest idea.
Anyway, I try my best to reply to all your messages, everyday. I receive so many though, and more and more, that it will become impossible to answer in details and to everyone.
I would love to keep chatting with you, but it takes me so much time (hours per day!), that I decided to limit my time to do so.
Don’t be offended. But again: real life is much better than a cold screen. And I love my real life since 25 months.
