Right in the middle of the cold mountains, where horses and donkeys run the muddy roads, and where silence is a peaceful breeze, lives a lady in blue, a wise, humble, tolerant, and clever soul who left a mark on my life path forever. This woman is Elezaberth.
I met Elezaberth -her Christian name- during my stay in Semonkong, an absolutely gorgeous little village hidden in the mountains.
And what you see on these photos reflect the uniqueness beauty of the Basotho people. Some people wear jewellery while Basotho people wear a large spontaneous smile coming from the heart.
When I see a smile, I stop and talk. Straight away. And we couldn’t stop talking. Elezaberth knows so much about Southern Africa history, about the Zulu and Khoisan tribes, but she’s obviously extremely precise about the History of the Basotho people, her people.
I could learn more about Moshoeshoe l -founder of the Southern Basotho Nation of Lesotho- or the famous poet Sheila Khala.
I will definitely share what I know about Lesotho’s History but also about these two legends I named above.
I will never forget Elezaberth. You know this strong and powerful feeling you can feel deep inside you, this wave of serenity and profound wellbeing when you talk to someone? When your heart knows this person is special but your mind still have no idea about it. This is rare I know, but this is how I felt with her. She created something inside me, our connection was very intense, that I didn’t want to leave.
I could seat for days listening and conversing with her. I love her mindset about History, her objective point of view about Southern Africa today.
Wise but deeply humble, she is one of my favourite souls so far.
When the Western World tried so much to ‘teach’ me life, Elezaberth brought it to me.
I have nothing else to add.
