I started the African Expedition in May when I got to collect Rafiki from the ferry terminal in Cape Town.
Since then, I’ve been overlanding 5 countries:
SOUTH AFRICA (the Western part from l’Agulhas NP to Bokspits);
BOTSWANA (more or less the whole country from Five Dunes to Kasane);
ZAMBIA (2 months of crazy off-road adventures from Livingstone to Mbala);
TANZANIA (7 days of transit from Sumbawanga to Rusumo);
RWANDA -current location (from Rusumo -via Kagali & Lake Kivu- to Cyanika);
Next country: UGANDA
It’s been 10,000km of FREEDOM, mind-blowing discoveries, wildlife magic, unique encounters, challenges, extreme happiness, disappointments, unforgettable surprises, tiredness, off-road capabilities, back pain, great sleeps, sleeplessness, passion, stress, friendships, anger, tears of joy, stomach pain, LOVE, hate, understanding, misunderstanding, learning, learning, learning.
Let’s be honest because I don’t want to waste my time telling bullshits and lies: I obviously preferred some countries to others.
For instance, Eastern Africa is very very intense, especially when traveling alone with a car. I’ll detail it in another post one day. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy it very much but challenges are definitely higher than in Southern Africa (from my experience so far).
But I’m LEARNING, and that’s what I want. Tbh, I’ve been thinking of going back to Southern Africa ASAP so many times recently. But it’s stupid. I’m here to learn. I’m here to learn Africa, life, and myself.
I fought for this to happen and I will ALWAYS keep fighting for this to last as long as possible. Even if it’s tough, even if challenges stick to my path these days. I will keep fighting because it makes me feel ALIVE.

Happy Friyay everyone. I’ll enjoy my last night in Kigali to work…on a new YouTube video!