I often say ‘my old life’ to talk about the life I was living before Africa. And it’s not fair. It’s not right. It feels like I do not accept my past to be part of this nomadic life I’m living today. But this is not the case. My past is the base and the reason why I’m here. Basically, my ‘old life’ brought me in Africa and I’m proud of it.
We all face challenges in our life -maybe not with the same intensity or with the same way to overcome situations- but they naturally bring us somewhere. I personally faced a few and intense challenges when I was just a teenager that definitely modified the journey. I quickly understood that traveling and discovering the world would become the strengths and tools to get to know who I am, and to preserve my childhood dreams.
I lived abroad in some places for each stage of my life. I will always remember Vancouver when I had to escape home to protect this 20 year-old girl, and to grow up my way. This pure fascination I had for Alaska and British Columbia -and for this endless wilderness- opened my heart to a life far from home, and closer to freedom.
I kept traveling either for my studies or work-wise and, looking back, this was meant to be. Life finally brought me to London where my work became a second family and where I had the space to talk with this inner child craving their nomad roots. And thanks to this job, I could satisfy this child. And let’s be honest, money and a three-coloured passport had its importance in the story.
Challenges and transitions always make us stronger. And this ‘old life’ is me, 100%. I do not regret anything because I got to meet who I am and what I truly want.
‘Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence’ -according to Aristotle.
