After all this time exploring beautiful and intense parts of the world, that day has now come: tomorrow, I’m driving back to France. Writing these words to you, my heart is about to explode. I’m completely overwhelmed by powerful emotions.
I will see all the faces who hugged me the first day I was born in this world. And faces who grew their personality next to mine. I will see my mum: the last person I said goodbye to, 2.5 years ago. And who was convinced that I would never come back here.
I’m feeling so stressed and that I can’t control myself… These photos I’m sharing with you were taken by my wonderful tripod Michel, the first two weeks of the adventure. I have changed, I think. Especially inside…I’m actually curious to see what my family will think, how did I change? In what way? And how? Is that okay? Will I be okay? Will they be okay?
To be honest, I’m not posting in real time and I have a delay for one reason: I decided to make a surprise to my family. They didn’t know I was coming back to France straight. This was not the plan to them, but it was to me.
Tomorrow, I’ll share the most iconic and moving day of my solo expedition: that day I surprised my loved ones.
Stay tuned…
