I've always enjoyed traveling solo since the age of 19. It’s easier to meet people and, most of the time, I end up traveling with a bunch of new friends.
But this time, the adventure is quite different, and in many ways. Africa has got plenty of hidden and remote places. In addition, overlanding gives you the possibility to get to explore these places. In my car, I can choose to isolate myself from the tourists and to drive to the locals. Most of the time, it gives me the chance to roam where the sun, the moon, and the shape of the Earth are my only companions.
Also, the Solo Expedition in Africa is my longest adventure so far. More than 14 months I've lived alone in my Hilux where silence is an Art to be listened to.
Finally, I haven’t been everywhere on the Planet, but I’m convinced that most African countries are one of the most challenging (wildlife, human cultures, infrastructures) and fascinating (same) in the world.
After all this time, I do not miss my life in Europe which I associate to a sedentary lifestyle. I do not miss its standards, trends, and expectations. I chose to be a nomad again and to satisfy this wild child inside. And I don’t care if it means to stay solo for a while still.
I do not miss my family even if we are very close to each other. I know they won’t be offended by my words tonight. They already know that. I try to call my parents every two days or as soon as I get some signal (like on these photos where I’m on the phone with them after a few days off-roading the Erongo region).
We live far away but our hearts are linked forever.
We had the chance to be born free, so we can become who we are. Challenge accepted.

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